The Vegan Society Trademark logo is black and the 'V' of the word 'vegan' is shown to be the leaves at the bottom of a sunflower.

The Vegan Society Trademark

Powdered Egg Replacer

Environment & Wildlife
1 out of 4
Farmed Animals
4 out of 4
1 out of 4
1 out of 4

We assess the things that labels focus on. The clearer the focus, the higher the score. Read about how we rate

A photograph of white powder with a silver scoop in the middle, which contains some of the powder.
Environment & Wildlife
1 out of 4

This label doesn't require food producers to farm in a way that is beneficial for biodiversity, wild animals, or the planet.

Farming in a way that maintains clean and healthy ecosystems isn’t a requirement. Protecting and enhancing biodiversity isn't a requirement. There aren't any requirements relating to the way that resources (such as water and energy) are used or where they come from. In terms of processing, packaging and transporting food — this label doesn't require waste or pollution to be minimised.
Farmed Animals
4 out of 4

This type of labelled food is unlikely to include, or impact, any farm animals.

1 out of 4

This label doesn’t require food producers to farm in a way that is beneficial for people who eat food, work with food or live near to where food is grown, reared or produced.

There are no requirements for producers to produce food that is healthy, nutritious or safe to eat. There are no requirements relating to the rights, treatment, pay or opportunities given to the people who produce this type of labelled food. This label doesn’t require food to be produced in a way that benefits communities.
1 out of 4

This label doesn’t have adequate systems in place to ensure food is produced in the way it claims to be.

There are no requirements relating to the quality, independence, or timings of inspections. Food producers aren't required to monitor or evaluate their impact on the planet, people or animals. This label doesn’t have a focus on increasing understanding or enabling improvements to the way food is produced.

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